Connection with The Creator.

If you are having a very difficult time overcoming sins (whatever it maybe), no matter how much you tried to refrain from it and you gave in each time despite trying your hardest to leave it for God but you failed every time. I will advise you with two things & you will find the most strongest and closest connection with God.

Firstly, when you commit the sin, seek God’s forgiveness as soon as possible. As soon as you realise you have sinned, seek His forgiveness there and then. Don’t give second thoughts about your intentions (stop thinking you will fall into it again) or doubt God’s mercy towards you. Just block out everything, breathe in and out until you are relaxed and spend 5 minutes speaking to God. Acknowledge your mistake, promise not to do it again, avoid that which brings you to the sin and ask for forgiveness.

After you have done this, don’t think about whether God has forgiven you or not. God wants to forgive you that’s why He guided you to seek His forgiveness in the first place.

Secondly & this point is very important if you cannot let go of the sin. If you keep falling into this sin, INCREASE YOUR GOOD DEEDS. You done one sin? Do 3 good deeds. You done it again? Increase another 3 good deeds. Don’t focus on the sin here, focus on doing good deeds, why? Because good deeds please God, it will bring you closer to Him & they erase bad deeds.

You feel low and filthy because you sinned? Increase your good deeds, let that guilt motivate you to rush you to good so God’s mercy and forgiveness reaches you. God’s forgiveness is far greater than your sins so let your book of good deeds be greater than your sins too.

Open the Quran (or the holy book you read) & read, cook for your siblings, give them water. Smile at your parents, spend time with them. Help your friend with something, teach someone a good manner . Give Salam/Greetings to a stranger. Give charity to the needy.

So if you keep falling in sins, forget the sin. Focus on your good deeds. Sometimes it is in the depths of our sins we find God and know Him more than ever.

Shaytaan (Demon) will do his best to stop you from doing good but do not listen to him, he’s your enemy. He does not want you to have hope in God. When you find him whispering to you, remind yourself that perhaps through my sins God will bring me close to Him. Perhaps because of my sins, I’m increasing on good deeds which I couldn’t have done otherwise.

Perhaps the effort of striving to please God, seek His forgiveness and increase in good deeds will make you a beloved friend of God. You are better than your sins, don’t you ever let them get you down. Your Lord is Forgiving, The Most Forgiving, The Pardoner, The Acceptor of repentance, The One who conceals faults. Our Lord is amazing, He loves you so much so love Him back. That’s His right over you, He never gives up on you so please never ever give up on him & His mercy.

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